index overview

The library’s only entrypoint. Get started with Member and create.


import { Member, create } from '@unsplash/sum-types'

type Weather = Member<'Sun'> | Member<'Rain', number>

const {
  mk: { Sun, Rain },
} = create<Weather>()

const getRainfall = match({
  Rain: (n) => `${n}mm`,
  Sun: () => 'none',

const todayWeather = Rain(5)

getRainfall(todayWeather) // "5mm"

Added in v0.1.0

Table of contents


Member (interface)

The Member type represents a single member of a sum type given a name and an optional monomorphic value. A sum type is formed by unionizing these members.


export interface Member<K extends string = never, A = null> {
  readonly [tagKey]: K
  readonly [valueKey]: A


import { Member } from '@unsplash/sum-types'

type Weather = Member<'Sun'> | Member<'Rain', number>

Added in v0.1.0

Serialized (type alias)

The serialized representation of a sum type, isomorphic to the sum type itself.


export type Serialized<A> = A extends AnyMember ? readonly [Tag<A>, Value<A>] : never

Added in v0.1.1

Sum (interface)

The output of create, providing constructors and pattern matching.


export interface Sum<A extends AnyMember> {
   * An object of constructors for the sum type's members.
   * @since 0.1.0
  readonly mk: Constructors<A>
   * Pattern match against each member of a sum type. All members must
   * exhaustively be covered unless a wildcard (@link \_) is present.
   * @example
   * match({
   *   Rain: (n) => `It's rained ${n} today!`,
   *   [_]: () => "Nice weather today.",
   * })
   * @since 0.1.0
  readonly match: Match<A>
   * Pattern match against each member of a sum type. All members must
   * exhaustively be covered unless a wildcard (@link \_) is present. Unionises
   * the return types of the branches, hence the "W" suffix ("widen").
   * @example
   * matchW({
   *   Sun: () => 123,
   *   [_]: () => "the return types can be different",
   * })
   * @since 0.1.0
  readonly matchW: MatchW<A>
   * Pattern match against each member of a sum type strictly, hence the "X"
   * suffix ("strict"). All members must exhaustively be covered unless a
   * wildcard (@link \_) is present.
   * @example
   * matchX({
   *   Sun: 123,
   *   [_]: 456,
   * })
   * @since 0.4.0
  readonly matchX: MatchX<A>
   * Pattern match against each member of a sum type strictly, hence the "X"
   * suffix ("strict"). All members must exhaustively be covered unless a
   * wildcard (@link \_) is present. Unionises the return types of the branches,
   * hence the "W" suffix ("widen").
   * @example
   * matchXW({
   *   Sun: 123,
   *   [_]: "the return types can be different",
   * })
   * @since 0.4.0
  readonly matchXW: MatchXW<A>


Symbol for declaring a wildcard case in a {@link match} expression.


export declare const _: typeof _


import { Member, create, _ } from '@unsplash/sum-types'

type Weather = Member<'Sun'> | Member<'Rain', number> | Member<'Clouds'> | Member<'Overcast', string>

const Weather = create<Weather>()

const getSun = Weather.match({
  Sun: () => 'sun',
  Overcast: () => 'partial sun',
  [_]: () => 'no sun',

assert.strictEqual(getSun(, 'sun')
assert.strictEqual(getSun(, 'no sun')

Added in v0.1.0


Create runtime constructors and pattern matching functions for a given sum type.


export declare const create: <A extends AnyMember>() => Sum<A>


import { Member, create } from '@unsplash/sum-types'

type Weather = Member<'Sun'> | Member<'Rain', number>

// Depending upon your preferences you may prefer to destructure the
// returned object or effectively namespace it:
const {
  mk: { Sun, Rain },
} = create<Weather>()
const Weather = create<Weather>()

Added in v0.1.0


Deserialize any prospective sum type member, represented by a tuple of its discriminant tag and its value (if any), into its programmatic data structure. Reversible by serialize.


export declare const deserialize: <A extends AnyMember>(x: Sum<A>) => (y: Serialized<A>) => A

Added in v0.1.0


Refine a foreign value to a sum type member given its key and a refinement to its value.

This is a low-level primitive. Instead consider @unsplash/sum-types-io-ts.


export declare const is: <A extends AnyMember>() => <B extends Tag<A>>(
  k: B
) => (f: (mv: unknown) => mv is Value<Extract<A, Member<B, unknown>>>) => (x: unknown) => x is A


import { Member, create, is } from '@unsplash/sum-types'

type Weather = Member<'Sun'> | Member<'Rain', number>
const Weather = create<Weather>()

assert.strictEqual(is<Weather>()('Rain')((x): x is number => typeof x === 'number')(, true)

Added in v0.4.0


Serialize any sum type member into a tuple of its discriminant tag and its value (if any). It is recommended that you do this for any persistent data storage instead of relying upon how the library internally structures this data, which is an implementation detail. Reversible by deserialize.


export declare const serialize: <A extends AnyMember>(x: A) => Serialized<A>

Added in v0.1.0